Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Home again!!!

So we got home safely! Else I wouldn't be writing this :) Flight was long but quite good considering- no delays and barely a wait at each airport. Also, on our thirteen hour flight the plane was pretty empty so we managed to score three seats each to lie down and sleep. We were stoked!!!!

Very happy to see our families again who were waiting with open arms. The air hit me in the airport and I exclaimed, 'Wow it's hot here!' to which the reply was, 'It's only 25 degrees!'

So now we're catching up on our summer. Yesterday involved a trip to Rottnest to show around the Canadian boys who are now here and experiencing life on our side of the world. Sunburnt and sore from a day in the sun biking to various beaches. Loving life, and have already started planning our next trip - Ireland? South Africa? New Zealand? Whatever it is, I'm sure you'll hear from us then! :)

Elle, Lissa and Dani xxx

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Vancouvering it - minus Elle :(

Yep the big blogger herself has left, and i'm here to replace her with my charm and witty humour. We got to Vancouver on Saturday the 23rd. Amazed at a city overshadowed by these gorgeous mountains! Unfortunately it was foggy on the day we arrived so we didn't get a great view but every now and then through the clouds we could see the snow on the top. Very lush and green, big pine trees, rains a lot and many of the fields are flooded from all the rain. Danielle's Uncle Morris and Aunt Mary's place is out of the city after about an hour and half drive - in Abbotsford. It's a cute country area with lots of large farms nearby- we went and visited one with 2000 dairy cows. it uses a rotary to milk them- very interesting to see. The first SUnday here we went to the church in Yarrow and heard Rev Bouwman; bit of a blast from the past. After afternoon church we went to the Bouwman's for a lovely visit. Monday involved dropping off Elle at the airport and saying our soggy farewells. Lucky we could pop into Starbucks for an emotional last coffee together. After we'd successfully gotten rid of her (haha, jk elle ;)), we went to Ikea and had a looksy around and some cheap lunch. Came home with donuts for everyone from Tim Hortons as a peace offering for being gone the whole day. Then bit more sightseeing- we checked out these massive structures made out of stainless steel that some guy made- two big eagles and a huge Chinese snake as a symbol of yang. very cool. Tuesday we went skiing on Mt Baker!!! was heaps of fun- met up with Damo and Monica and the Bosvelds and went with them to the mountain which is just ove rthe US border. lucky we kept our green cards in our passports that enables us Australians quick access over the border! was heaps of fun but we were really unfit after all our lounging on holidays so got tired real quickly. Dani managed to successfully knee herself in the mouth resulting in a split lip and blood everywhere and all over the snow. She also managed to take down an entire fence at the bottom near the ski lifts (sorry mate, had to tell teh story). hilarious!
Had a good weekend hanging out with people- Friday we went to volleyball then a party. Saturday involved a lot of sleeping in, then cleaned the house for Aunt Mary and went tot he shop, and at night we went to someone's house and played a bit of cards. Sunday was busy- went to Marika's for her birthday, then after church went up the mountain as the day was clear and beautful! such a gorgeous view!!! made the mistake of touching the snow- have yet to have such a violent effect on my hands as this- they were entirely frozen and hurt soo bad. quickly went and jumped in a heated car while everyone else charged up the mountain as had to get the blood back into them. Hurt like crazy. Good fun four wheel driving up there though- massive ruts and dips in the roads so we got jostled around majorly. fun fun. stay cool and might fit in one more update before we leave for home on Wednesday!! :)
Lissa xx

Monday, January 24, 2011

Last Days...

Believe it or not, we have been up to a lot since we left New York City.
After bidding soggy farewells to our favourite Wieske family we hopped on a plane that took us to Edmonton. The Pilot nicely told us that it was to be -25 on arrival...ever had the feeling of snot freezing in your nose????? But being in Edmonton wasn;t the end of travelling. We hopped onto the skyshuttle which took us to the Greyhound Bus Port...(who with dismay took note of our 9 suitcases) and safely arrived in Westlock where Uncle James (I adopted the Moeskers) picked us up in Dan's cousin Gerry's truck. We stayed at the Breukelmans in Neerlandia. A beautiful place inthe middle of nowhere. A bit like Little House on the Praire. Needless to say I did almost fall down the three flights of stairs numerous times. We also visited Gerry's house (self built outa logs!!!!) before calling it a night.
The next morning, bright eyed and bushytailed, Lissa and I took off with the Moeskers and met some of the family: Aunt Wilma, Aunt Freida, Marion and her kids. We basically spent our days visiting family actually, but on the first day
It has been the highlight of my trip.
But us girls had to cut our Neerlandia trip short and after visiting the Hutterites we were left to our own devices and back on the bus to Edmonton. Not that we minded after the hip high snow drifts and freezing cold. And in Edmonton we spent our days  (AND OUR MONEY) entertaining ourselves in the big West Edmonton Mall!!
What a mall. Really all I can say.
My favourite part besides the shopping, was getting an antiques photo done! we all dressed up as ladies of teh Wild West, looking spiffy in long dresses, hats, gloves, parasols, fans etc etc. We looked amazing if I saw so myself.

And now, we are currrenly in warm vancouver. A lovely 9 degree cloudy day when we landed yesterday. The view from teh plane was amazing: all the beautiful mountain peaks through the clouds. And where we are staying (more of the Moesker family) is directly under neath a small mountain. Its gorgeous country...beautiful Creation. Today is Sunday and we had a very nice sermon by Rev Bouwman in Yarrow: an uplifting account of the Hymn of Praise in Isaiah 12. Looking forward to the sermon this afternoon.

But, sadly, it is my last day in Canada today. Tomorrow at the crack of dawn, Im up and ready to leave for the airport for a long flight to Hongkong, then Singapore and finally home. So this may or may not be my last post but never fear followers...Lissa has volunteered to take over!!

Three cheers for Lissa!!!!(nah seriously thanks Liss)

Much love from Vancouver!!


Monday, January 17, 2011

The Last Coupla Days

So we headed to Toronto last week and visited the CN tower which was very cool despite seeing mostly clouds and the streets right below us. Thankfully we didn't fall through the glass floors but it was an odd feeling. We got lots of photos and even went on a simulated ride of a tree factory. Those poor logs go on a lot of rollercoasters to get where they need to go hey
From there we headed to the Steamwhistle Brewery and saw how beer was made which was pretty interesting but the weather was poor so after a dinner at Jack Astors we headed home and that was our big tour of Toronto :D

But these last couple of days we went to New York City! It is an amazing city, very busy and loud and dirty and COLD. Due to our delayed flight from snow, and a loooong subway trek of which i managed to over shoot our hotel, we were walking the streets and through Time Square with 6 girls and bout the same amount of suitcases :) Basically we just spent the evening buying souvenirs; went out for an amazing dinner at Ruby Tuesdays. Maygan had finally recovered from our flight; we did a few wobbles and bounces in our landing hahaha. Our hotel was actually quite nice and NO BED BUGS :P

The second day after dragging ourselves out of bed we headed on the subway down to the Statue of Liberty. We caught the Straten Island ferry and tried to get some photos in front of the statue to no avail....we got some with the statue tiny in the distance. And it was very cold in NY but the sun was shining :) From there we went to the World Trade Centre site. it was....disquitening for want of a better word, to be in place where so many people died. I was trying to imagine it from all the things we had see on TV and it was pretty scary. Just seeing the space inthe sky where they used to be....but basically all we could see was the new construction around the area and the construction face. We bought some souveniers from the museum but moved on to Chinatown!!!

Chinatown made me feel like I was back in Egypt. People hassling you and grabbing you to sell their stuff. Kayla and Maygan and Ash were in their element with buying prada and gucci and louis vuitton bags and the rest of us just wandered. I fell alseep in Macas :) Seeing most of the day was gone we headed back to the hotel with all our products of sale and then walked the streets to buy tickets to BROADWAY!!! We ended up watching Mamma Mia which was amazing!!! So much fun and we had realy good seats as well. Before that we had wandered the freezing roads for a subway and finally found one 10 blocks from where we started. Seeing it was Friday night a lot of the shops were still open once the theatre was done so we had fun in Times Square. Even got on one of the big screens from Forever 21...was great being famous for 2 min haha.

Saturday we checked out Central Park and it was actually a lot of fun, I got in trouble for trying to create a snow fight haha but we got lots of photos. The horse and carts in the area were really cute as well but we decided to forgo a ride it being freeezing and expensive. We then slowly made our way back to the hotel shopping on Fifth Avenue. Maygan was succesful in Banana Republic. Finally realized that the tall building near our hotel was Empire State Building so took lots of photos. :) We decided to hang out at the hotel till our suburban arrvived to take us to the airport and that was that!!

After a good sermon from Rev Smith today Im not proceeding to pack ALL 3 of my suitcases because we leave for Edmonton tomorrow afternoon!!

Till then


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Chesley Lake-up north

Isnt it funny when we say up north we think of warm weather? Well i Do only for canadians in winter it means colder and snowier :) and Thats what we got.
We are in the cutest cottage on a lake covered in 1 foot of snow. Surrounding us is about 1 foot and a half of snow and most of the roads in this area aren't plowed so we literally trudge around (onomatopeia for ya there). On arriving we immediately sent aaron and jared to shovel the path for us.
I went for a walk and it was amazing to view God's beautiful creation under a layer of snow. Got some good photos..with the help of self timer because dan was reading and lissa was enjoying the warmth of the cottage considering shes sick.
 Jared and Aaron went snowboarding.
Mr Wieske put me on the snow mobile
Snow mobiling is AMAZING. Undescribable to those who havn't done it. its like a cross between a motor bike, quad, jet ski etc and hoofing it through the snow makes it feel like your flying. Only colder.
Unfortunately for me and lissa we got bogged after been thrown into a snow bank (great adventure) but we dug our way out. In the dark. And the only one who was worried was Mama-Dawg namely Dani :)
After an amazing dinner of lasagne made by our brilliant cook Mrs Wieske we all headed to the hot tub. Ever been in one with snow surrounding you and the water in your hair freezing but your roasting in a 104 deg F tub. Its a good feeling. Made even better when me and dan and kate jumped out into the snow froze n then back into the tub. Good relaxing time before bed.
We all slept in this morning but then headed out for an afternoon of snow mobiling. We decided to stick to the lake today. Boys were reaching speedsof 130km and 90 miles but iwas impressed with my average of 100km and 70 miles haha. its a scary feeling and its hard to steer especially with the soft snow but God kept all of us safe.
We ran out of fuel and went through one melted driving belt but the day was worth it. Only my last ride i got snow down my pants and back so currently sitting in front of the fire before a dinner of croquettes nachos and crackers and cheese and everything else we have left over...

till later


Monday, January 3, 2011

foshiz f350....landons rad truck (ute).."if you bash me ill bash you back"

so that random title was just created by various wieskes at 1130pm as im forced to update my blog.
HAPPY NEW YEAR followers (i dont think there are any)
and I hope all celebrated the birth of our Saviour and enjoyed it with family and friends.

us, as in me lissa and dan and i know that wasnt proper english but who cares, went with kayla and her friends to Niagara falls (for the second time you might realize) for new years. it was 8 degrees can you beleive it. only wore 2 layers. am still gobsmacked at this fact. anyway so after a tim hortons stop and fighting our way through mega crowds, we stood in a mud filled garden box and watched a 1 min display of fireworks (disappointing seeing you can actualy buy MORE fireworks then that from a fireworks store here in canada and even more disappointing after reading about 5 million dollars worth of fireworks in sydney. aussy knows how to party) But never fear the night was resurrected from depths of despair by grabbing a ride on the skywheel and getting amazing views of the falls at night. and then sat at kelseys and chilled. had nachos at 130am and some cocktails. good job.
cant beleive its 2011. am finding it hard to remember to write that in my diary every day lol.

Niagara falls are amazing by the way. at night they are all lit up and looks super pretty.

Family here gets presents for new years and so today (sunday) it was present time!!!!!!!!!!! got a good haul and my two  besties got my super cool presents including scarf and beret and chocolates and necklaces and body lotionand a wallet and seriously i could go on all day. only i have a lump on my head from wacking the couch. good fun.

love presents.

after our 2 day heat wave of 10 degrees we've gone back to negative 7/8. not a big deal. snow flurries all day which looks cool only the snows not sticking. hoepfully wake up to snow. and hopefully calvin seriously gets working on the hot tub.(vinegar has been put in)

going to toronto hoepfully this week and a cottage up north to go snow mobiling.

landon has just accused me of having a mullet. ah well least its australian


Thursday, December 30, 2010

belated update

i have returned to my blog with lowered shoulders and a humble face...
sorry for not updating :)
well havnt been up to much. only went to a hockey game between atlanta and the Tampa Bay Lightnings...Prob most exciting night of my love. Love ice hockey :)
 Only went on a cruise through the Caribbean and the Bahamas. braved the islands of Aruba and Curacao and a private island called Half Moon Cay. Lived the life of luxury on our 10 storey liner. the 9th floor being a 24 hour buffet. Needless to say we have all put on weight,
nah in all seriousness the cruise was amazing. It was great being in the warmth again. Our stateroom was on the 1st floor so we go serious exercise going up stairs to level 10 for sunbaking or swimming in the 2 available pools or 4 hot tubs. Then we discovered the lifts :)
Wieske family are all amazing. We wore tshirts that said 50 years of Wieske. A lot of the passengers started asking us why 75 of us were all wearing the same thing it was a big smash :) Congrats to Opa and Oma Wieske!!!
Half moon Cay was just transparent aqua water and white white beaches and lounges..and an amazing buffet full of everything...and BBQ meat!! Palm trees and island music. Aruba was great for market shopping but I loved Willemstad, Curacao. A colourful dutch island that was amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! on the islands american laws dont apply so we enjoyed some cocktails by the river. At nights we spent hours outside on the deck or at the buffet or watching movies at the theatre.
Cruises are worth it im telling you people.
Only went on a 24 hour drive through america to get back to Canada on christmas Day at 1030pm :) good fun. Spent night in fleabag hotel in South Carolina with a snowstorm on our tails.
And now we are back in Canada enjoying the negative 5 degree weather and snow again. Trying to brag about tans but girls are secretly sneaking around going fake baking because it wasnt that sunny much on the islands though warm and 30 :)
I love the sunshine.
and today me and lissa went for a jog along the road because we are getting fat from hibernation...a wrote a poem to dedicate this event...

There once was a road
covered in snow and fog
that brave me and liss
decided to jog

it was great for awhile 
as long as it lasted
as we walked and ran
faster and faster

on the way back
we decided to stop
and kick around a ball
the idea was a flop

Lissa did a move
quite full of grace
i copied but was on ice
and fell flat on my face

my knees are bleeding 
my hands hurt like ****
i blame the ice
its definately not Elle

so hopefully keep you all more updated.
we are off to Niagara falls tonight so if your good ill update about that!

half moon cay

ice hockey game GO TAMPA BAY

the Westerdam (our cruise) and me n Lissa

Islands of Adventure Theme Park

Formal night on the boat

girls at Half Moon Cay

Snow on the way back


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Sunshine State

Hey Hey its been awhile. Been enjoying resort life to much to actually write about it!! Well we made it to Florida. Even got our free juice in Jacksonville and lunch at Maccas (am very sick of junk food from our 21 hour drive to get here) It was nice weather when we arrived but it seems everywhere we go we bring a blast of Arctic Air. Florida is now experiencing the coldest snap in 20 years. Thats right its currently 9 degrees. At least its sunny. And we had our summer clothes out for a day so im happy.
Sunday we experienced a different church which was....interesting.
So far we have hit the gym everymorning. You have no idea how fit im getting (not very) but I do love jogging :) Yesterday us girls went and got a manicure and pedicure which was extremely enjoyable. I got french on my fingers and blue glitter tips on my toes. Feeling very ladylike.Got an amazing massage to only my legs are covered in bruises from it.
The hot tubs and heated pools here are amazing. we soaked all sunday night till bout midnight. Am planning this again tonight :)
Today we are headed to the outlet malls. My wallet is sure to take a beating
so so far enjoying Florida MUCHLY!!!
countdown till the cruise has reached3 days!

Resort view from my window

the truck....good vehicle to sleep in

my london hostel n pete

my resort bed....much appreciated. the spa yet to be used :)

Friday, December 10, 2010

Destination Florida...

Hey guys long time no catch up. Tonight well early tomorow morning we are heading off for the looooooooong drive to Florida!!!!!! Everyone is very excited and super stressed out. I know for a fact im taking 2 suitcases but thats a lot less than everyone else. Dan's family just arrived. Josh has just accused me of sneezing all over the screen and is making me clean it. Uninteresting fact for you. Very cool to hear the aussie accent again....really good seeing Matt just laughed because we call a high pressure cleaner a  high pressure cleaner....sigh. So hopefully I can keep ya up to date on the places we see on the way to Florida. Going through the States should be an adventure...if we get through the border :) :) North Carolina is our first 13 hours

Till then!!


Monday, December 6, 2010


Hey Folks. made it safely to canada!! feels a bit like home actually driving along the freeways at night. It hasn't snowed until now so everything is nice and pretty. We went to Ancaster church yesterday which was very nice. Had a good sermon by Rev Ludwig about Hebrews 12. Good to get back into normal routine. Ppl here are lovely. We love hanging out with Kaylas family. Many arguments have began about the way we say things. Obviously australian way is correct but these canadians are pretty stubborn :) this week is pretty laid back. did some washing today. Im still voiceless with the flu so hopefully that goes away soon.

Thinking of everyone back at home xxxx

Saturday, December 4, 2010

some cairo photos

me n dan on nile cruise

egyptian photo: sphinx and chephron's pyramid

me sitting on the ancient wonder of the world

view of our hostel in cairo

just a few photos from London....

Last Day in London

so with sore feet and heavy hearts we leave the mother country....well ok not yet but this evening we do. Looking forward to jus chilling for a couple of hours and meeting all dans family at the airport!!
oooh Footloose just came on in the hostel. Cue dancing moves

that was random.

we are all very well. very tired. Me n Dan sorta have chest colds...i think Lissa has avoided this because she bundles up very well in zillions of layers. meanwhile i just made do with jumpers and coats and scarves :)

Today we head of to Madame Toussads which will be very cool and if we have enough time will check out hte British Museum.

Seeya in Canada!!!



So the reports are true. It is cold. And we walked around in the snow all day
its also my best friend Dans 20TH BIRTHDAY!!! MANY CONGRATS TO HER!!! I spent the first half of the morning resting in bed recovering from tummy bug but felt revived enough after 11am to go on our Walking Tour of Royal London.
First was Buckingham Palace which was amazing. The queen was in residence..very cool
Second we went past where my future husband lives (mainly Prince Harry) of course we can't go round telling people yet because you and all. but he and Prince Charles and Camilla were all in residence to. Went past James Palace and learnt all bout the history of Henry VIII and his six wives (typical) Shoulda realized it was his own fault he didn't get a son.
From there we went to Trafalgar Square...had a coffee break because it was so cold and we were all covered in snow. Met the admiral Nelson who saved England from the French in the Trafalgar War.
We traipsed through snow and sleet and ice past Churchill's warrooms and the pigeon eating pelicans from Russia (dead serious watch it on youtube).
FinALLY the tour led us to Westminister Abbey and Big Ben and the houses of Parliament which really made us realize we were in London. Lots of photos and walking later we defrosted in National Gallery before heading home to dress up for our theatre expedition...
Thats right we donned knitted stockings and dresses to go watch Grease at the Picadilly Theatre!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Really made my day. and the trip. Because it was hilarious and we knew all the songs and really you had to be there to experience it all....but trust me it was  good.

And then today we slept in a bit. Its not any warmer. In fact with the snow clearing up I think its gettin colder. We headed to the Tower of London which was fairly gruesome in its history but very photogenic. I even mastered the underground. We have yet to get on the wrong train or the wrong line despite numerous train swaps needed. We also saw the seriously pretty London Bridge. It being so cold we headed off to the London Eye which was fantastic...absolutely smashing (say in pommy accent)

BTW am very upset at the way the Ashes are going back home. C'mon!!!!!!!!!!!.

And now we are finally going for the promised pub meal for our weekly intake of veges and meat.....

mmm steak.

Much Love


Thursday, December 2, 2010

London Day One

so apparently we are having the coldest November ever here in London. i agree. Max today was negative one i think. snowed all day (although can't really tell coz melts on the road). we trundle around in maximum layers. gasped in horror at joggers in shorts and tshirts and girls in tights and short dresses. Hyde Park looked beautiful. We were going to go on a Tour of Royal London which required walking but on arriving to Wellington Arch we realized it was WAY to cold so decided to go shopping in Harrods and Oxford Street instead. Lissa was successful in buying an amazing coat. I wanted one to but thought I prob wouldnt need it ever again seeing its currently hot and middle of bushfire season at home :)
Tomorrow is Dan's  birthday so we are going to Picadilly Theatre. Will be superduper!!!!


Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Hey to all those breathlessly watching this space, we have finally reached civilisation which includes internet access!!!
But first, Egypt was awesome!!!! Though coming from Australia was a bit of a culture shock. Their traffic is insane. No rules, horns in use constantly, no lanes. I guess the one rule is stick to the right but they often don't do that either :) After four days we are amazing at crossing roads. Jump in front of a bus and we wont even blink. The hostel was super clean albeit very simple. We had to carry our seven suitcases up three flights of stairs to the amusements of the locals!!! Locals either hate us or are super friendly. I think we have been asked to get married every day, offered 500 camels and they LOVE Lissa's hair (she attracts lots of attention). When someone is nice to you here they usually want money for it. We are good at saying La Shukran which means No thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 First day we just got acquainted with the city. Walked to the museum but were very tired from flying and delays (landed in random airport in middle of desert to wait for fog to clear) We went to the Museum which was very cool and watched the sunset over the Nile, had KFC for dinner and went to bed. Sunday we spent in Coptic Cairo which was awesome seeing all the churches. It was so quiet compared to the rest of the city. I cant even explain  how different it is to home so you will have to wait for some photos. We walked the 8km back to our hostel though along the Nile which we were very proud of.
Monday we went on a all day tour to the Giza Pyramids, Saqqar, Sphinx etc and it was......incredible. To think that these were there during the Bible times is amazing! We took a million photos and seeing it was a hot day actually got a tan!! we went in the third pyramid (Mankeure's) which was very cool. Dark and Hot and bit scary seeing someone use to be buried there.
Sphinx was my favourite bit but surprise surprise it looks the same as in photos, comics and books haha.
Good thing we had a aircon van
Tuesday we went to the Markets which covered like a suburb so spent the morning getting lost in there. Bought our loved ones some souvenirs and then we headed to our flight....
Good flight to London but I arrived in thongs and so heading out into the snowing city wasn't the greatest. Expensive taxi ride later and we made it here to our hostel which is nice and warm.
And now its today. we are heading out for a basic London walking tour bout 12pm. Hope it stops snowing because IM COLD!!!!

Friday, November 26, 2010


Nice flight to Singapore. A balmy 28 degrees on arrival and heading out in 4 hours (1300am gaaasp). Hit some thunderstorm clouds near Christmas Island so lots of turbulence. Not that I felt any thing because I was to absorbed in my movie (Despicable Me. absolutely hilarious!!!) Girls are all behaving under my eagle eye. Code names currently E dawg, D dawg and Mama Dawg...dont ask. Airplane food was good. I got the beef in redwine sauce with veges which i left. enjoyed my icecream and lollies hahaaaaaaa...
So just checking facebook and bout to hit the amazing airport shops. Singapore is loverrrly!!!


Count Down till we Leave!

Butterflies. Thats what I've got :) I'm super excited! And super packed. Have hit the 20kg mark for my suitcase but apparently Lissa and Dan have gone over so I'm happy. Now just sitting around waiting to Leave For the Airport. Cairo Here We Come
